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Indrayanti Beach Facilities and Beauty in Gunung Kidul Regency

Beach?   This beach is located in Gunung Kidul Regency, precisely in the area of ​​Tepus, Gunung Kidul, DIY.   At first this beach has no na...

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Indrayanti Beach Facilities and Beauty in Gunung Kidul Regency

Beach?   This beach is located in Gunung Kidul Regency, precisely in the area of ​​Tepus, Gunung Kidul, DIY.   At first this beach has no na...

Parangtritis Beach - Exoticism in Bantul district, Yogyakarta

Parangtritis Beach exoticism Surely you know the name Nyi Roro Kidul - Queen of the South Coast? Well, the story was not separated from the ...

Baron Beach - On the left side of this beach there are two hills that add to the exotic

Curious about the Baron beach? We will explain how the beauty of Baron Beach. On this beach, you can indulge your eyes, heart and tongue. Be...

Cemara Sewu Beach tends to be suitable for family tourism in Jogja

Pantai Cemara sewu is located in Bantul district of Jogjakarta in the south. This beach is a relatively new beach and become a tourist desti...

Depok Beach ; The most exciting is to enjoy a meal while enjoying the beach breeze

You want to enjoy the culinary sea food?   Do not worry, near Parangtritis Beach there is a complete sea food culinary tour, namely Depok Be...

Krakal Beach, he shoreline in the form of rock rocks with white sand makes its own attraction

Krakal Beach is one of the beaches that are so exotic in Jogjakarta, precisely in the area Tanjungsari Gunung Kidul.   The beach is one row ...

Nglambor Beach with its white sand that has a shallow shore of water

Woooww  .. there is a beach that recently ngehits lhoo because this one beach is really fitting for young people or adolescents whose advent...

Single Pok, the beauty spots of Poker Single Beach that you can find

Haii Guys .. Regards wisata yaaa. This holiday we will travel to one of the beaches in Jogjakarta. Precisely located in Gunung Kidul Regency...

Sundak Beach, The origin of this beach name is Wedibedah Beach

Just this time we get a story so detailed about the origin of the name of the beach.This beach is now known as the Sundak Beach, located in ...

Sadranan Beach, Apparently in this beloved Jogja, especially in Gunungkidul

"Good news for us all .." There is another beach that can be used for Snorkeling! Wahh exclamation yes .. Apparently in this belov...

Along Beach, The Natural atmosphere, the color of the sea is still blue and the white sand indicates the beauty

Not far from Sundak Beach there is a beach named Beach Sepanjang. Why is that ?! Because this beach has the longest beach lips among the bea...

Siung Beach, a Cliff on The Right Side of The Beach

Tour Package Jogja Siung Beach , white sandy beaches that have high hills. Beautiful photographs. On the hill you can see a vast expanse of ...

Borobudur has also been one of 7 known world wonders in the international arena

Borobudur Temple, this temple is known as the largest Buddhist temple in the world. Built by the Syailendra dynasty in the 10th century Boro...

Sewu Temple is a Buddhist temple located in the middle of the Hindhu temple complex

Enjoy the beauty of Prambanan temple can also visit to the temple of sewu. Simply walk to the north of 800 meters Roro Jonggrang temple ini....

Plaosan temple was built by Rakai Pikatan for the empress

Plaosan Temple, hello happy traveler, yuks this time we will be talk about this temple or this. Curious about ga ya ?. Well, our jogja tour ...

Boko Temple, Looking for a historic natural atmosphere filled with romanticism and exotic

Looking for a historic natural atmosphere filled with romanticism and exotic nature scenery combined with ancient sites is Ratu Boko temple ...

Prambanan Temple is also called Shiwa temple

Prambanan Temple is also called Shiwa temple Prambanan Temple is also called Shiwa temple. Famous for the love story of Bandung Bondowoso re...

Malioboro has always been the Brand shopping center of Yogyakarta

Who super agree that has not been said to visit Yogyakarta if not recreation to Malioboro ?. Well the sentence is very true because Maliobor...

Beringharjo market, you do not have to worry about facilities

Batik hunting and cheap souvenirs? just to the Beringharjo market. Here the place is cheap souvenir market. Various batik and knick knacks a...

Sand dune that resembles the desert is located in the southern part of Yogyakarta

Sandbanks, the only one in Indonesia. Sand dune that resembles the desert is located in the southern part of Yogyakarta, namely parangtritis...