Boko Temple, Looking for a historic natural atmosphere filled with romanticism and exotic

Looking for a historic natural atmosphere filled with romanticism and exotic nature scenery combined with ancient sites is Ratu Boko temple to be exact.Located 2 Km to the south of Prambanan Temple, 18 Km to the east from downtown Yogyakarta. Ratu Boko is located on the hill which is a continuation of thousand mountains covering an area of ​​about 250.000m2 with a height of more than 195.97 m.

Based on an inscription from Rakai Panagkaran in 746-784 AD, Rau Boko is known as Abhayagiri Wihara. Abhaya means no danger, giri means hill, as the Temple means Dormitory. So the meaning of Abhayagiri Wihara is the Bikshu dormitory located on peaceful hillside.

Boko Temple is commonly called the Royal Palace of Boko. The name of Kraton comes from Ka-Da-Tu-An which means place as the King's Palace, Queen means King. While Boko means stork. Well, this understanding then raises the question, who would be called the king of Stork, whether the name of a character or the name of a bird that always hinngap in the hills of queen Boko.

Previously there was FDK Bosch who conducted research after previously found the ruins of archeology on the hill Ratu Boko. The figure who invented the site was named Van Boeckholth in 1970. And the research was given the title of the palace of Van Ratoe Boko so that the archaeological site located on the hill of Queen Boko was secured Kraton queen Boko.

Not only historical tour, but tourists can also enjoy the beauty of Boko Sunset in the morning. Because of the beautiful scenery on the green hill, this place is usually used for Pre Wedding moment with nature backround and Jogjakarta view from above. Besides Trekking with an interesting zone will make you feel like being in the 8th century in the mystical queen Boko queen.