Malioboro has always been the Brand shopping center of Yogyakarta

Who super agree that has not been said to visit Yogyakarta if not recreation to Malioboro ?. Well the sentence is very true because Malioboro has always been the Brand shopping center of Yogyakarta city. This is coupled with the exotism of Tugu Yogyakarta as the city's icon located exactly in a single line of location. Enough with andong or becak you can go to this zero point of Yogyakarta city. Because Malioboro is really located in downtown Yogyakarta. Not only souvenirs and unique items of craft and batik, traditional food that you can get here. Various public facilities in the form of star hotels and restaurants and malls you can also meet.

Malioboro Attractions

Another one that is dear to miss along Malioboro street is the uniqueness and the night crowd. Along the way Malioboro is the busiest street at night in the city of Yogyakarta. There visitors spend time to enjoy the typical culinary lesehan that sells a variety of delicious foods such as gudeg, grilled chicken, pecel catfish, roasted duck, tempe penyet and various traditional drinks such as yogya Bajigur, secang, Wedang uwuh and various angkringan menu so cheap rousing. Because so crowded Malioboro until early morning, then this place gets the nickname "NeverSleep City in Jogja" . This intimate and comfortable atmosphere comes from the traders and fellow visitors who add to the more interesting night atmosphere in Yogyakarta. Coupled with the romanticism Malioboro street, often make this place as a means of seeking inspiration at night.

No wonder Katon Bagaskara humming with his " Yogyakarta" is always depicting the image along Malioboro Street with his romanticism that inspires anyone to come back to Yogyakarta especially Malioboronya. Every tourist has beriwsata in jogjakarta, both in Borobudur temple , prambanan temple , lava tour merapi , kraton jogja , parangtritis beach , pindul cave , blue times , pine forest and others, almost 80% of tourists stop at malioboro at the last moment before return . Moment will be used to shop for souvenirs and souvenirs typical city of Jogjakarta.